Paul Stanley Software
Innovative Bespoke Development - Speaking your Language
+44 1695 111720562
Lancashire, UK
Sage Integration
A considerable saving of employee time can be made by automating input to Sage Line 50. A bespoke application is capable of performing repetative tasks such as grouping items into invoices, ensuring standard format, or error checking.
Example 1: Consolidating Invoices
A job management database for a waste management company, initially created end of month reports which attached to sage invoices detailing all the movements being billed. This process was automated, generating comprehensive consolidated invoices, grouped by client location. The user was able to select invoices for importing to Sage by month, business sector, or client name. The format of invoices could be specified to allow for different preferences client by client.
Example 2: Automatically Processing Payments
Client received one large payment a weeks via BACS paying over 500 to 1000 invoices. A program was developed to read the PDF payment details, sent from the client, to generate a batch file to automatically pay each invoice.
Example 3: Checking for Duplicates
A program read all Sage invoices checking for duplicate Customer Order Numbers over a specified timescale.
Example 4: EDI
A number of complete orders, and individual order lines got lost due to problems in the EDI system, approximately 800 orders per weeks made this hard to check. A program was developed to automatically invoice missing lines and missing orders, recovering considerable lost revenue.